The DHZ Fitness Commercial Treadmill is The Professional Gym Treadmill for Cardio Training

Have you ever referred to a treadmill as a "treadmill" or "hamster turntable" and stated that you'd rather run-in extreme heat, pouring rain, etc. than be bored indoors? I was like that too. However, treadmills have come a long way in the last few years, with brands like DHZ Fitness, Peloton and ProForm releasing Bluetooth-enabled "smart treadmills" with large interactive touchscreens where you can access a library of built-in workout programs.

A few years ago, I took part in a media tour sponsored by DHZ Fitness that gives users access to real-time and on-demand running classes, as well as strength training, yoga, cycling and other interdisciplinary training. sports. training exercise. During this trip, I had the opportunity to test several DHZ Fitness devices I love the smooth and soft feel of the treadmill and the ability to follow the music lessons with the instructor. I'm also particularly interested in the treadmill's ability to train downhill, which is rare on most treadmills on the market. Even after a few minutes of testing, I found that running downhill was a lot of fun.

Thanks to this trip, as well as visits to the fitness studios and treadmills that I have used over the years at work, in apartments and hotel gyms, I had the opportunity to test many models of treadmills from different brands. Choosing a treadmill can be overwhelming because there are so many options to suit every taste and budget.

However, given the opportunity to test the DHZ Fitness equipment, and since I was able to write a study on fitness equipment for such publications, I am quite sure that the cardio zone is the "Heart of Gym", which eventually became the DHZ Fitness X8900PA. I live in Houston and summers are very hot and humid here, even if you go for a run first thing in the morning. Sometimes I prefer to run early in the morning when the sun is still high, but if I don't have a partner to join me, I'm not comfortable running alone outside. On the other hand, sometimes sleep wins, and when I go for a run, the sun is beating down and the temperature rises quickly. If you really don't want to give up your workouts, the ability to run in an air-conditioned gym is a game-changer.

Looking at treadmills for several comparison articles I've written and talking to friends who own DHZ Fitness treadmills, it was easy to determine that my choice was the DHZ X8900PA. It's one of the most popular treadmills on the Commercial Treadmill Market, offering more features than many other treadmills in the same price range. These include the aforementioned built-in program, a large padded kickstand and Bluetooth connectivity.

The DHZ Fitness X8900PA not only has a slope of up to 15%, its built-in 18 preset programs can greatly expand your training types and simulate various scenarios.

DHZ Fitness offers a variety of treadmills in slightly different sizes. The commercial 1750 measures 73 inches high, 100 inches long, and 39 inches wide. Its maximum weight is 330 pounds, and in terms of speed it can reach 12 mph or 5 minutes per mile (not that I've ever come close to such elite speeds).

Post time: Sep-09-2022