• Super Squat U2065

    Super Squat U2065

    Prestige Series Super Squat e fana ka mekhoa ea koetliso ea squat pele le morao ho kenya mesifa e meholo ea lirope le letheka. Sethala sa leoto le sephara, se nang le angled se boloka tsela ea mosebelisi sefofaneng se sekametseng, se lokolla haholo khatello mokokotlong. Setsi sa ho notlela se tla theoha ka bohona ha u qala ho ikoetlisa 'me se ka khutlisoa habonolo ka ho peta ha u tsoa.

  • Smith Machine U2063

    Smith Machine U2063

    Mochini oa Prestige Series Smith o tumme har'a basebelisi e le mochini o qapiloeng, oa setaele ebile o bolokehile. Motsamao o otlolohileng oa Smith bar o fana ka tsela e tsitsitseng ea ho thusa ba ikoetlisang ho fihlela squat e nepahetseng. Maemo a mangata a ho koala a lumella basebelisi ho emisa koetliso ka ho potoloha Smith bar ka nako leha e le efe nakong ea ts'ebetso ea boikoetliso, 'me setsi se koaletsoeng ka tlase se sireletsa mochine tšenyo e bakoang ke ho theoha ka tšohanyetso ha mokoloko oa mojaro.

  • E lutseng Namane ea U2062

    E lutseng Namane ea U2062

    The Prestige Series Seated Calf e lumella mosebelisi ho kenya lihlopha tsa mesifa ea namane ka mokhoa o utloahalang a sebelisa boima ba 'mele le lipoleiti tse eketsehileng tsa boima. Lisebelisoa tsa serope tse fetolehang habonolo li tšehetsa basebelisi ba boholo bo fapaneng, 'me moralo o lutseng o tlosa khatello ea mokokotlo bakeng sa koetliso e ntle le e sebetsang haholoanyane. Leqhubu la ho ts'oara ho qala ho tiisa ts'ireletseho ha ho qala le ho qetella koetliso.

  • Mothalo oa Boemo ba Inline U2061

    Mothalo oa Boemo ba Inline U2061

    Prestige Series Incline Level Row e sebelisa angle e sekametseng ho fetisetsa mojaro o mongata ka morao, ho sebetsa ka katleho mesifa ea morao, 'me sefuba sa sefuba se tiisa tšehetso e tsitsitseng le e phutholohileng. Sethala sa maoto a mabeli se lumella basebelisi ba boholo bo fapaneng ho ba maemong a nepahetseng a koetliso, 'me "dual-grip boom" e fana ka menyetla e mengata ea koetliso ea morao.

  • Hack Squat U2057

    Hack Squat U2057

    The Prestige Series Hack Squat e etsisa tsela e sisinyehang ea squat ea fatše, e fana ka phihlelo e tšoanang le ea koetliso ea boima ba 'mele. Hase feela hoo, empa moralo o khethehileng oa angle o boetse o felisa mojaro oa mahetla le khatello ea mokokotlo oa li-squats tsa setso tsa fatše, ho tsitsisa setsi sa boikoetliso ba matla a khoheli sefofaneng se sekametseng, 'me se tiisa phetiso e otlolohileng ea matla.

  • Angled Leg Press Linear Bearing U2056S

    Angled Leg Press Linear Bearing U2056S

    The Prestige Series Angled Leg Press e na le li-bearings tse boima tsa khoebo bakeng sa motsamao o boreleli le ho tšoarella. Karolo ea 45-degree le maemo a mabeli a qalang a etsisa motsamao o nepahetseng oa khatello ea maoto, empa ka khatello ea mokokotlo e tlosoa. Sebopeho sa setulo se ntlafalitsoeng sa ergonomically se fana ka boemo bo nepahetseng ba 'mele le tšehetso, linaka tse' nè tsa boima holim'a leoto la maoto li lumella basebelisi ho laola lipoleiti tsa boima habonolo.