Mothalo o Tlase Y925Z

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

The Discovery-R Series Low Row e fana ka mananeo a ts'ebetso bakeng sa lihlopha tse ngata tsa mesifa, ho kenyelletsa le lats, biceps, delts e ka morao le maraba. Li-handgrips tse tšoarang habeli li kenyelletsa koetliso ea mesifa e fapaneng. Matsoho a ikemetseng a etsa bonnete ba ho leka-lekana ha koetliso le ho tšehetsa mosebedisi ho etsa koetliso e ikemetseng. Motsoako o bohareng o fana ka botsitso nakong ea koetliso ea letsoho le le leng.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


Y925Z- TheDiscovery-R SeriesLow Row e fana ka mananeo a ts'ebetso bakeng sa lihlopha tse ngata tsa mesifa, ho kenyelletsa le li-lats, li-biceps, li-delts tse ka morao le maraba. Li-handgrips tse tšoarang habeli li kenyelletsa koetliso ea mesifa e fapaneng. Matsoho a ikemetseng a etsa bonnete ba ho leka-lekana ha koetliso le ho tšehetsa mosebedisi ho etsa koetliso e ikemetseng. Motsoako o bohareng o fana ka botsitso nakong ea koetliso ea letsoho le le leng.


Tšehetso e Phomotseng
Ho bonolo ho fetola setulo le liphahlo tse teteaneng tsa sefuba li fana ka tšehetso e tsitsitseng ha li ntse li netefatsa boiketlo ba boikoetliso ba boikoetliso.

Nice Grip
Moralo o motle oa ho ts'oara letsoho o thusa ho aba mojaro ka ho lekana, ho etsa hore motsamao oa push-pull o be bonolo le ho sebetsa hantle. Sebopeho sa bokaholimo ba handgrip ka bobeli se ntlafatsa ho ts'oara, ho thibela ho thella ka mahlakoreng, 'me se tšoaea boemo bo nepahetseng ba letsoho.

Botsitso Le Mefuta-futa
Sebopeho se tsitsitseng se bohareng se ntlafatsa botsitso nakong ea koetliso e le 'ngoe. Maemo a mabeli a ho tšoara a lumella koetliso e lebisitsoeng ea lihlopha tse fapaneng tsa mesifa.


TheDiscovery-R Seriese fumaneha ka 'mala o mocha, oo hammoho le matsoho a chitja a fang basebelisi likhetho tse ngata bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse kentsoeng poleiti. Ho rua molemo ka ho fetisisa biomechanics eaDiscovery Seriesle lintlha tse ngata tse ntlafalitsoeng tsa ergonomically, arc ea tlhaho ea motsamao e fana ka maikutlo a boima ba 'mele. Lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo holimo le litheko tse theko e tlase esale e le engDHZ Fitnesse loanela.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Lihlahisoa tse Amanang