E lutseng Dip E7026A

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Prestige Pro Series Seated Dip e pheta tsela ea boikoetliso ba "parallel bar push-up" ea setso, e fana ka mokhoa o bonolo le o sebetsang oa ho koetlisa li-triceps le li-pecs. The angled back pad e fokotsa khatello ha e ntse e ntlafatsa botsitso le matšeliso.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


E7026A- TheLetoto la Prestige ProPrestige Pro Series Seated Dip e pheta tsela ea boikoetliso ba "parallel bar push-up" ea setso, e fana ka mokhoa o bonolo le o sebetsang oa ho koetlisa li-triceps le li-pecs. The angled back pad e fokotsa khatello ha e ntse e ntlafatsa botsitso le matšeliso.


Hlahisa Tsela ea Motion
Moralo oa letsoho la Seated Dip pivot ka mokhoa o phethahetseng o etsisa mokhoa oa tloaelo oa ho koetlisa li-bar dip ho kenya li-triceps hantle.

Moralo oa Motion oa ho arohana
Koetlisong ea sebele, hangata ho etsahala hore koetliso e felisoe ka lebaka la ho lahleheloa ke matla ka lehlakoreng le leng la 'mele. Moqapi ona o lumella mokoetlisi hore a matlafatse koetliso bakeng sa lehlakore le fokolang, ho etsa hore moralo oa koetliso o be bonolo le o sebetsang.

E Sireletsehile 'me e Molemo
E fana ka tharollo e phethahetseng bakeng sa batho ba sa khoneng ho ikoetlisa ka li-bar tsa setso tse tšoanang. Sesebelisoa sena se tlisa phello e ts'oanang ea koetliso ho lihlopha tsa triceps le mesifa ea pectoral tlas'a motheo oa ho netefatsa polokeho ea basebelisi.


E le letoto la lihlooho tseDHZ Fitnesslisebelisoa tsa koetliso ea matla, TheLetoto la Prestige Pro, biomechanics e tsoetseng pele, le moralo o motle oa phetisetso li etsa hore boiphihlelo ba koetliso ba mosebelisi bo be bo sa tloaelehang. Mabapi le moralo, tšebeliso e utloahalang ea li-alloys tsa aluminium e ntlafatsa ka mokhoa o phethahetseng phello ea pono le ho tšoarella, 'me tsebo e ntle ea tlhahiso ea DHZ e bontšoa ka ho hlaka.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Lihlahisoa tse Amanang