Ho lutse Leoto Curl U2023

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Prestige Series Seated Leg Curl e entsoe ka lipache tsa namane tse feto-fetohang le lirope tsa lirope. Mosamo oa setulo se sephara o sekametse hanyane ho hokahanya mangole a motho ea ikoetlisang hantle le ntlha ea pivot, ho thusa bareki ho fumana boemo bo nepahetseng ba boikoetliso ho netefatsa ho itšehla thajana ho hoholo le boiketlo bo holimo.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


U2023- TheLetoto la PrestigeSeated Leg Curl e entsoe ka lisebelisoa tsa manamane tse feto-fetohang le lirope tsa lirope. Mosamo oa setulo se sephara o sekametse hanyane ho hokahanya mangole a motho ea ikoetlisang hantle le ntlha ea pivot, ho thusa bareki ho fumana boemo bo nepahetseng ba boikoetliso ho netefatsa ho itšehla thajana ho hoholo le boiketlo bo holimo.


Phetoho e Bonolo
Serola sa serope se ntlafalitsoeng ka biomechanically, back pad le calf roller pad kaofela li ka fetoha habonolo ha motho a lutse.

Angled Seat with Handle
E thusa motho ea ikoetlisang ho hokahanya lengole le ntlha ea pivot, ho etsa bonnete ba hore mesifa e tsitsitse. Lisebelisoa tse kopantseng li thusa mosebelisi ho tsitsisa 'mele o kaholimo.

Phetoho ea Setulo se Thusang ka Khase
Khokahano ea li-bar tse 'ne e fana ka phetoho ea hang-hang le e tsitsitseng ea setulo ho thusa batho ba ikoetlisang ho fumana boemo bo botle ba boikoetliso habonolo.

Sub-Flagship Configuration
Theknoloji e phahameng ka ho fetisisa ea ts'ebetso ea DHZ e ngotse mokhoa o ikhethang oa ho loha ka tšepe bakeng sa letoto lena. Joalo ka letoto la lifolakha tsa DHZ, ha e boloke feela moralo o tšepahalang oa biomechanical le ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa tsa boemo bo holimo, empa hape e laola ka katleho litšenyehelo tsa sehlahisoa ho etsa hore e be le litšenyehelo tse ngata.


Ho pholletsa leSehlahisoa se khethiloengnalane ea DHZ Fitness, ho tloha hoDHZ Tasicalka katleho e kholo ea litšenyehelo, ho ea ho lihlopha tse 'nè tse tummeng tsa motheo -DHZ Evost, DHZ Apple, DHZ Galaxy, leMokhoa oa DHZ.
Ka mor'a ho kena mehleng ea tšepe eohle eaDHZ Fusion, tsoalo eaDHZ Fusion ProleDHZ Prestige Proe bonts'itse ka botlalo ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso le bokhoni ba taolo ea litšenyehelo tsa DHZ mecheng ea lihlahisoa tse hlahelletseng ho sechaba.

Mokhoa o ikhethang ka ho fetisisa oa ho loha moralo oa DHZ o kopantsoe ka ho phethahetseng le 'mele oa tšepe o sa tsoa ntlafatsoa o etsa Prestige Series. Theknoloji e ntle ea ts'ebetso ea DHZ Fitness le taolo ea litšenyehelo tse holileng li entse hore ho be le litšenyehelo tse tlaseLetoto la Prestige. Li-trajectories tse tšepahalang tsa biomechanical, lintlha tse hlahelletseng tsa sehlahisoa le sebopeho se ntlafalitsoeng se entsoeLetoto la Prestigeletoto le loketseng la lifolakha tse nyane.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Lihlahisoa tse Amanang