
  • Ho Lula Leoto Curl U3023D-K

    Ho Lula Leoto Curl U3023D-K

    Fusion Series (Hollow) Seated Leg Curl e entsoe ka liphaephe tsa namane tse feto-fetohang le lirope tse nang le meharo. Mosamo oa setulo se sephara o sekametse hanyane ho hokahanya mangole a motho ea ikoetlisang hantle le ntlha ea pivot, ho thusa bareki ho fumana boemo bo nepahetseng ba boikoetliso ho netefatsa ho itšehla thajana ho hoholo le boiketlo bo holimo.

  • E lutse Tricep Flat U3027D-K

    E lutse Tricep Flat U3027D-K

    The Fusion Series (Hollow) Seated Triceps Flat, ka ho fetola setulo le sekoti se kopantsoeng sa letsoho la setsoe, se tiisa hore matsoho a motho ea ikoetlisang a tsitsitse sebakeng se nepahetseng sa koetliso, e le hore a ka sebelisa li-triceps tsa bona ka katleho le boiketlo bo phahameng ka ho fetisisa. Sebopeho sa sebopeho sa thepa se bonolo ebile se sebetsa, ho nahanoa ka boiketlo ba tšebeliso le phello ea koetliso.

  • Tobetsa Mahetla U3006D-K

    Tobetsa Mahetla U3006D-K

    The Fusion Series (Hollow) Shoulder Press sebelisa pad e theohang ka morao e nang le setulo se feto-fetohang ho tsitsisa torso hamolemo ha e ntse e ikamahanya le basebelisi ba boholo bo fapaneng. Etsisa khatiso ea mahetla ho tseba hantle li-biomechanics tsa mahetla. Sesebelisoa se boetse se na le lisebelisoa tse phutholohileng tse nang le maemo a fapaneng, e leng ho eketsang matšeliso a boikoetliso le mefuta e fapaneng ea boikoetliso.

  • Triceps Extension U3028D-K

    Triceps Extension U3028D-K

    The Fusion Series (Hollow) Triceps Extension e amohela moralo oa khale ho hatisa biomechanics ea katoloso ea triceps. Ho lumella basebelisi ho sebelisa li-triceps tsa bona hamonate le ka bokhabane, litokiso tsa litulo le li-pads tse sekamang li bapala karolo e ntle ho beheng.

  • Tobetsa ka ho Otloloha U3008D-K

    Tobetsa ka ho Otloloha U3008D-K

    Fusion Series (Hollow) Vertical Press e na le mokhoa o bonolo le o moholo oa ho ts'oara maemo a mangata, e leng se eketsang boiketlo ba koetliso ea mosebelisi le mefuta e fapaneng ea koetliso. Moralo oa letlapa la leoto le thusoang ke matla o nkela sebaka sa khale se fetolehang sa morao, se ka fetolang boemo ba ho qala koetliso ho latela litloaelo tsa bareki ba fapaneng, le buffer qetellong ea thupelo.

  • Mothalo o Otlolohileng U3034D-K

    Mothalo o Otlolohileng U3034D-K

    The Fusion Series (Hollow) Vertical Row e na le sefubeng se feto-fetohang le bophahamo ba setulo 'me se ka fana ka boemo ba ho qala ho latela boholo ba basebelisi ba fapaneng. Moralo oa sebopeho sa L o lumella basebelisi ho sebelisa mekhoa e mengata e pharaletseng le e moqotetsane bakeng sa koetliso, ho kenya tšebetsong lihlopha tsa mesifa tse tsamaellanang hantle.

  • Katoloso ea Leoto&Leg Curl U3086D

    Katoloso ea Leoto&Leg Curl U3086D

    The Fusion Series (Standard) Leg Extension / Leg Curl ke mochini o sebetsang habeli. E entsoe ka pad e bonolo ea shin le pad ea maqaqailana, o ka ikamahanya habonolo le boemo ba ho lula. The shin pad, e ka tlas'a lengole, e etselitsoe ho thusa leoto la curl, ka hona ho thusa basebelisi ho fumana boemo bo nepahetseng ba koetliso bakeng sa boikoetliso bo fapaneng.

  • Sefuba&Lehetla Tobetsa U3084D

    Sefuba&Lehetla Tobetsa U3084D

    The Fusion Series (Standard) Chest Shoulder Press e hlokomela ho kopanngoa ha mesebetsi ea mechine e meraro ho o mong. Mochini ona, mosebelisi a ka fetola letsoho le setulong mochining ho etsa mochine oa khatiso oa benche, oblique o ea holimo le o hatelloa ka mahetla. Lisebelisoa tse nang le boholo bo botle ka maemo a mangata, li kopantsoe le phetoho e bonolo ea setulo, li lumella basebelisi ho lula habonolo maemong a ho ikoetlisa a fapaneng.

  • Camber Curl&Triceps U3087D

    Camber Curl&Triceps U3087D

    The Fusion Series (Standard) Camber Curl Triceps e sebelisa li-biceps / triceps tse kopantsoeng, tse ka finyellang lithupelo tse peli mochine o le mong. Ratchet e fetolehang ea setulo se le seng e ke ke ea thusa mosebelisi feela ho fumana boemo bo nepahetseng ba motsamao, empa hape e netefatsa matšeliso a matle. Boemo bo nepahetseng ba boikoetliso le boemo ba matla bo ka etsa hore boikoetliso bo be betere.

  • Abductor&Adductor U3021D

    Abductor&Adductor U3021D

    The Fusion Series (Standard) Abductor & Adductor e fana ka boemo ba ho qala bo bonolo bakeng sa boikoetliso ba ka hare le bo kantle ba serope. Lithakhisa tsa maoto a mabeli li amohela mefuta e mengata ea boikoetliso. Lithako tsa serope li pota-potiloe bakeng sa ts'ebetso e ntlafetseng le matšeliso nakong ea boikoetliso, e leng ho nolofalletsang batho ba ikoetlisang ho tsepamisa maikutlo matla a mesifa.

  • Katoloso ya Mpa le Mokokotlo U3088D

    Katoloso ya Mpa le Mokokotlo U3088D

    The Fusion Series (Standard) Abdominal / Back Extension ke mochine o sebetsang ka bobeli o etselitsoeng ho lumella basebelisi ho etsa lithupelo tse peli ntle le ho tlohela mochine. Boikoetliso ka bobeli bo sebelisa marapo a phutholohileng mahetleng. Tokiso ea boemo bo bonolo e fana ka libaka tse peli tsa ho qala bakeng sa katoloso ea mokokotlo le e 'ngoe bakeng sa katoloso ea mpa.

  • Mpa e Isolator U3073D

    Mpa e Isolator U3073D

    The Fusion Series (Standard) Abdominal Isolators e amohela moralo oa ho kena le o fokolang ntle le liphetoho tse feteletseng. Setulo sa setulo se entsoeng ka tsela e ikhethang se fana ka tšehetso e matla le tšireletso nakong ea koetliso. Li-roller li fana ka ts'ebetso e sebetsang ea ho tsamaea. Counter e leka-lekaneng boima e fana ka tlaase ho qala ho hanyetsa ho etsa bonnete ba hore boikoetliso bo etsoa ka thelelo le polokeho.